Monday, March 30, 2009

Cat Aggression Issues - Playful Aggression

Of all the types of cat aggression issues playful aggression can sometimes be the most misunderstood. If you've ever just walked by your cat and it swatted or scratched at you or if it bit your clawed you when you're playing with it, this is probably just playful aggression. This sort of cat aggression issues isn't fueled by anger or frustration, kitty just wants to play.

Cats pouncing or scratching at you when you walk by is usually due to your cat being under-stimulated, which is to say, they're bored. Having another cat or kitten to keep them company can help with this or if that's not an option, try buying them a few more toys to occupy them self with. Preventative measures are often times the best course of action when dealing with playful cat aggression issues.

If your kitty bites and scratches when you play with it, it probably just doesn't know that this behavior isn't acceptable to humans, since kittens often times play very rough with each other. These sort of cat aggression issues should be nipped at the bud when the cat is a kitten if possible.

Click Here And Put An End To Your Cat Aggression Issues Today!

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