Monday, March 30, 2009

Aggressive Cat Behaviors - Dealing With Territorial Aggression

Of all the aggressive cat behaviors this one may just be the leading cause of an ongoing feud in the home between two cats. Cats are very territorial creatures and are constantly marking objects and rooms(and even people sometimes) as their property. This can lead to a conflict if two cats lay claim to the same things.

Most cats who are raised together get along well enough and are content to share their "property", however, cats who are new to each other or ones that have dominant personalities may have serious issues that could lead to aggressive cat behaviors. This could take the form of cats not entering rooms that "belong" to another cat. Not eating from the same bowl or plate as the rival cat. In extreme cases, it could even lead to fights breaking out in areas of the house they have no choice but to share, such as near the food and water or near the litter boxes.

To counter these aggressive cat behaviors try and keep the rival cats separated as much as possible. This could include getting them separate bowls for food and water, placing their beds in separate rooms and even putting their litter boxes in different rooms. Most of the time rival cats will avoid each other's territory if possible unless one cat is simply determined to show his dominance and seeks out and attacks the other cat directly. In that case the territorial aggression has probably evolved from a case of social aggression.

Click Here And Put An End To Your Aggressive Cat Behaviors Today!

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