Monday, April 6, 2009

Aggressive Cat Behaviors - Why Is My Cat's Tail Twitching Back And Forth?

This is one of the most common place aggressive cat behaviors cat owners will see, most of the time this is a cat's way of telling you that he's annoyed with something. The faster and more jerky the twitching, the more annoyed kitty is getting. This would be a good time to back off and leave your cat alone for a while unless you really know his personality and if he's ready to attack or not. Annoyance can quickly lead to a violent scratching outburst for some cats.

These types of aggressive cat behaviors can also happen when a cat is stalking prey. A lot of times their tail will twitch back and forth as well when they are getting ready to pounce.

For More Information On How To Stop Aggressive Cat Problems Click Here.

Cat Aggression Problems - Why Two Cats In The Home May Fight

If you have two kittys that have cat aggression problems there could be several different reasons. This could be a form of social aggression where one cat suddenly feels the need to prove his or her dominance. This is especially true if another cat is introduced into the home. A dominant cat will always make sure a new cat knows his place. If the new cat is also dominant it could lead to an all out brawl.

Cats in the home may also be experiencing a territorial dispute over a location or object. This can also lead to a disruption in the social structure and fighting. Rival cats should always be watched closely when they're in contact with one another to prevent cat aggression problems from erupting between them.

For More Information On How To Stop Cat Aggression Issues Click Here.

A Common Mistake In Dealing With Aggressive Cat Behavior In The Home

If you are dealing with aggressive cat behavior from two or more cats in the home a fight breaking out at some point is a real possibility. If this happens you may feel like you need to try and separate them but that can be very dangerous. The two cats fighting are only thinking about one thing: beating the tar out or each other. If you get involved they could flip out and attack you as well.

Another reason not to come between two fighting cats is that one or maybe both of them could think that you are showing favoritism to the other cat. This will only breed resentment towards you and towards the other cat and possibly lead to even greater outbursts of fighting and aggressive cat behavior in the future.

For More Information On How To Stop Aggressive Cat Behaviors Click Here.

Violent Aggressive Cat Problems - Introducing A New Cat Into The Home

Sometimes violent aggressive cat problems can erupt between cats you already own and a new cat or kitten you adopt. This can be due to conflicting personalities, a battle for social dominance, or territorial disputes.

To avoid this the new cat should be introduced to the other cats slowly. For the first several days keep the new cat in a separate room, that way the old cats can get his scent and have an idea that there is a new cat around without direct confrontation that could lead to aggressive cat problems between them.

Also make sure the new cat is provided with his own food and water bowls as well as a separate litter box. This will avoid any fights over these objects.

When the time comes for the cats to meet face to face, make sure it is carefully supervised and if one of the cats you own is known to be violent towards other cats, you may want to put the new cat in his cat carrier box so the two cats can be in the presence of one another without the possibility of a fight.

For More Information On How To Stop Aggressive Cat Behavior Click Here.

Cat Aggression Issues Getting Out Of Control! - How To Fix Aggressive Cats

If your cat is showing signs of cat aggression issues lately but for the most part has been peaceful and calm, this could be an indication of several things.

First of all, your cat may not be targeting the specific thing that has upset him. This is known as redirected aggression and is a common, yet often times hard to identify problem for many cat owners. There could be several reasons for this redirected aggression, a new cat could have come into the neighborhood, or the cat may have simply seen something outside that has up set him.

Another cause could be that a feud is beginning to develop between cats living in the same house. Normally cats who have been raised together get along well but sometimes certain things can set them off such a dispute over territory or if one thinks you are showing favoritism to the other.

In a worst case scenario these sudden cat aggression issues can be signs of a serious medical problem your cat has developed. In this case you should get your cat to the vet immediately.

For More Information On How To Stop Cat Aggression Problems Click Here.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Signs Of A Dominant Cat

Most of the time spotting a cat with a dominant personality is easy, especially in a multi-cat home. However, sometime this sort of personality trait will pop up in a normally laid back cat. This can be really noticeable when introducing a new cat into the house or if a new cat enters the neighborhood.

When two cats meet who are strangers to each other one will typically back down to the other or they will simply ignore each other. If you adopt a new cat, the cats you already own may feel the need to assert their dominance, even if they are ordinarily peaceful and relaxed. Or the cat you adopt may be the dominant one and assert his dominance over the other cats, it just depends.

Some signs you can look out for to spot a dominant cat would be:

-Posturing and trying to "stand taller" than other cats when it approaches them
-Growling at other cats if they enter his "territory"
-Randomly pouncing on other cats
-Stalking other cats
-Beating up other cats in the neighborhood

These could all be signs of a dominant cat but there could also be other aggression issues involved as well. The best way to spot a dominant cat is to closely watch it's interactions with other cats.

Click Here And Put An End To Your Aggressive Cat Behaviors Today!